Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Anime Review - Naruto and Naruto Shippuden

What do you get when you mix Dragon Ball Z and Ninja along? You get Naruto. Naruto is a very long, but fun anime. The first series is about 220 episodes and the second series, Naruto, running about 150 episodes, but it is great even today. It has some of the most interesting story arcs can be found, and the animation is top notch. But with this great anime does, it seems that the end in sight. So, how much more can go to anime before losing attention Otakus?

Now the first place was the reviewer should start for this anime is the characters. This anime has a lot of characters. In each story arc they create new good and bad guys, go in there back story, and by the end of the port you grow to love them. This here is the reason why most fanfic writers love this anime. When so many characters, you have plenty of material for writing. However, the characters are not enough to create a great anime, you have a story.

is an amazing story. It was quite moved by the characters, with very little out of hand force. The story arcs are all different and fun, with the exception of the filler, the story is really good. But as I said, there are a few things dragging down the story, and you can not talk about Naruto with out talking about them.

First, it is long. If you have a low attention span, then some more story arcs feel like the task of getting through. The last story arc lasted 20 episodes! Then there is evil every Naruto fan knows all about: filler. Filler arcs are used when the anime based off manga such as Naruto, catch up with the manga. They are used to kill time while the manga is far enough that they can continue with the story without a problem. Now I'll be honest, I watched every episode filler, with good reason. Naruto has 3 years worth of filler, and the time I got them Shippuden. Now Naruto creators have made some interesting fillings as of late, they fit into the story by filling a hole that is not manga, so hopefully that means trying a bit more to the quality of filler.

Naruto is really good, for the most part is fun and entertaining, the characters are good and the story is interesting, and if they keep what they do, then I think that this anime would be worth watching to the end. You can see Naruto on YouTube.

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